Follow The North Star | Opening Reception

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Wednesday May 22

7:00 PM  –  9:00 PM

Follow the North Star: Freedom in the Age of Mobility | Opening Reception & Touring
Throughout African American history, the destination of ‘freedom’ has proven to be an elusive location. The search for this ‘promised land’ has taken many forms, including travel, migration, and even imagination. The International African American Museum's newest special exhibition, "Follow the North Star: Freedom in the Age of Mobility," explores this multifaceted journey through three distinct perspectives:
  1. Transportation
  2. The Great Migration;
  3. Spirituality/Imagination.

In this multi-media exhibition, visitors will learn about historic events related to African Americans’ search for freedom, as well as lesser known forms of escape, including folklore, storytelling, and metaphysical travel. From the Montgomery bus boycotts, to Afrofuturist visions of other planets, visitors will be encouraged to see the African American journey through a new lens, one of possibility and agency.

The IAAM invites you to join us on Wednesday, May 22 for the opening reception of our newest special exhibition, "Follow the North Star: Freedom in the Age of Mobility."

Please plan to arrive as early as 6:45PM as opening remarks will begin at 7:00PM and open touring will last from 7PM - 9PM.

This exhibition is made possible through the generous support of Michelin.

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Museum Location: 14 Wharfside Street, Charleston, SC, 29401
Parking Instructions: Metered parking is available on Concord Street. Paid parking is available at the SC Aquarium Parking Garage (24 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401)